Walking to the quad, I asked Cassidy if she was interested in taking a picture with the Little Jimmy Statue on James Madison University’s campus. She mentioned “Yes, and it’s right next to my freshman dorm!” In shock, I respond that I lived in Hoffman Hall as well, a year before her. I ask what room, and this is where it turns into a movie.
“224!” in unison. We lived in the SAME dorm room a year apart. AND we almost have the same birthday. The chemistry was unreal. Shooting gradation portraits for Blake and Cassidy was just like hanging out with old friends, except we just met. It was the sweetest way to kick off grad season, and I anticipate the energy of the rest being this good!
I’ve been fully booked for the spring since January, and I’m incredibly thankful for all of the love and new friends that have come with these portraiture experiences 🤍 Here’s Cassidy & Blake: