A Journey Home | Behind The Brand




I cannot thank Andra & Kelly from With Grace & Gold enough for my new brand. It is refined, refreshed, and most importantly, timeless! Will I own a portraiture business forever? Who knows, passions evolve and grow, and I believe that’s why this space is sustainable and long-lasting.

When “she,” we’ll call Julia Weaver 2.0, was in the dreaming phase, I was in one of the darkest head-spaces mentally. I was drained, exhausted, and had no peace in my job or what I thought my purpose was. A recent college grad in a quarter life crisis, I feared that I would never find peace. As this new identity for my business was being handcrafted, so was my heart, broken pieces falling into place. 

I was in a phase where I didn’t know what I believed anymore. I hit rock bottom, and it was time to rediscover who I was and what I valued.

So I started digging: I asked some close clients to share what their portraiture experience was like with me, so I could have some sort of idea on where to start on this. Shannon shared that I made her and her husband feel right a home in front of the camera. Finally, here was the blueprint.

I was craving “home” at this point in my journey in my mental health. And as the design was building I moved back to my college town to work full-time at my alma-mater, also giving me the time and community to serve seniors and sweethearts with my portraiture experience.

As I dug deep to put words to what I value for my business & myself, I found words that seamlessly fit:


The message I hope comes across with this brand is not to constantly market my “services” in your face or to continuously show off the highlight reels of life, but to share an experience of empowerment and joy we can have together.

I’m a firm believer in quality over quantity. I’m not the most “consistent” creative you’ll see. I don’t have every post planned by the minute. Heck, I’ll post either once a month or twice a week. I simply want to share wisdom or experiences or moments that are fruitful to my audience, which it comes in waves. I don’t care about reaching the masses, but I want to root myself in what brings me joy. So cheers to the new beginning with a new brand 🥂

Thank you to:

Again, Andra and Kelly from With Grace & Gold

Kelsey Marie Photography for the photos.

My mom & dad for the endless heart checks and late night conversations.

& my friends for cheering me on this past year

  1. Michelle Pineda-Hernandez says:

    LITERALLY THE SWEETEST, MOST TALENTED WOMAN TO EVER EXIST!! Julia Weaver is a powerhouse and I seriously could not recommend a better friend and photographer to be by your side!! I can’t wait to see where this brand goes. Super proud of you!!!!! <3

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find me on the 'gram  |  @juliaweaverphoto

joyfully photographing sweethearts and seniors since 2013

can only go up from here